Monday, May 11, 2009

This is the third in the series of Violet Paget prints. (For the first 2 see below.) In this one I printed the two collograph plates over an India ink and watercolor drawing on a part rag, part synthetic piece of watercolor paper. The first two prints were both printed on Arches Cover.

This is the second in the series of 3 prints, Violet Paget and her Pseudonym. This one has the two collograph plates, chine colle and an etching on copper.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Some new prints

Have been working on some new prints. This one is the first in a series on Violet Paget. It is an intaglio print on 22 x 30" Arches Cover. I've used two collograph plates with viscosity printing and Chine Colle. 

Monday, April 27, 2009

Watercolor on paper: Man with Volcano, 22 x 30".

This watercolor on paper was inspired by Costa Rica. In fact the subject matter is the Papaya tree next to the swimming pool at the Julia and David White Artists Colony near Ciudad Colon. It was created on Strathmore Aquarius II watercolor paper which is a lighter-weight paper, designed with cotton rag and synthetic fibers in order to reduce buckling. It is on a half sheet, 15 x 20". I did it for the Watercolor USA and Japan Watercolor Federation Exchange Exhibition that the Watercolor USA Honor Society is putting together. 

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

I am posting some of the work I created in Costa Rica at the Julia and David White Artists Colony during a residency in January. These works are on Yupo, a type of polyester watercolor paper. The dark figures were painted onto Duralar and float above. 

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Backing up on the Papaya part of the double tree image I am posting the 2nd day of work on both panels. Tree on the left is a winter tree. Also am adding 3 days of work on another work in progress. It is on a 16 x 20" wood panel. The bottom of the image is of a canyon in Costa RIca near Ciudad Colon. So far the image is in watercolor and acrylic.